TCP/IP Convergence
Overview of TCP-IP Convergence
Connection to the Internet these days has become so easy and user-friendly that we tend to forget the technical aspects of things like page loads and file downloads. One such overlooked set of operations is TCP/IP. This often used but little understood set of operations stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is the combination of the two and describes the set of protocols that allows hosts to connect to the Internet. When a computer attempts to log on to the Internet, that computer's TCP/IP operations send a series of signals to Internet servers looking for a connection.
This super-fast network, which is promising theoretical peak download rates of up 100Mbps (real-world speeds will vary, of course), provides an alternative to DSL, cable, satellite, and dial-up internet, which will be a big boon to people living in areas that aren't currently serviced by a high-speed network. It will also free people from the burden of having to find a WiFi hotspot when they are on the road - as long as you have an LTE modem, you can connect to the internet anywhere in the service provider's coverage area.
About the Curriculum
In this course, you gain a comprehensive technical introduction to TCP/IP. Extensive hands-on exercises provide the practical experience you need to configure a host, employ TCP/IP tools, use application services and access TCP/IP-based internetworks. A This course starts from the position of web browsing — and ‘drills down’ from there down to the lowest levels of the TCP/IP stack: IP routing, packet structure.